Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Trust and Obey...

When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
What a glory He sheds on our way!
While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
And with all who will trust and obey. 

This simple childhood Bible song has been speaking to me lately.  Sometimes, isn't life supposed to be that simple?  Trust God and Obey Him and everything will work out.  I had a rough year last year due to my exhausting pregnancy and my stressful job.  I was a mess.  It has been so nice to be at home with my babies this summer.  All summer I have been going back and forth about maybe staying home for awhile and not going back to teaching. In the past, I never really had a desire to stay home, so this was a little odd.

I have gotten into a routine and become pretty consistent with my quiet times in the evening.  I have to do them at night because that is the only time I can be sure that all of my girls will be sleeping at the same time and I can concentrate.  I have been going through a study called Experiencing God, which basically has been telling me that I need to listen to God's voice and then....Trust and Obey.  I have been going back and forth all summer, trying to figure out what God was telling me to do.  Was God telling me to stay home or go to work?  Was Satan telling me that I couldn't get a job or that I needed a job?  I would start to become comfortable with where I thought God was leading me and then something would happen that would make me flip back.  I had a couple interviews, but no jobs. Was God telling me to stay home or just to have patience while I waited for a job?  

Financially, it does not make any sense for me to stay home.  When I was working, we did not exactly have a lot of money left over each month, I carried the benefits, etc.  Shortly before school was starting I was glad that I hadn't found a job because then I did not have to make a decision.  Then I got another interview.  I was dreading it a little bit, if only because if I got offered the job, then I would have to decide.  On the way to the interview my mind was on warp speed.  I told myself that if it were 6th grade, I could handle that, or if it was honors classes.  In the interview I found it was 7th and 8th grade.  On the way home I realized that this decision I was debating about was whether or not to obey God.  I had come to realize that God was telling me to stay home and me getting a job would putting my trust into my own abilities instead of God's.  At that point I was prepared to turn down the job, if I got it.  (They never called so I did not have to actually tell them that I didn't want it).
One of the main things I read in my study that really got to me was a statement about why we don't think we see God working around us.  If we only attempt things that we can do on our own, how could we see God working?  How often do we attempt things that we know only God can do?
Well, here I am attempting something God can do.  If we get through this year, it really will be evidence of God alive and working in our lives.  We have had a few reassurances from God that we are headed in the right direction.  I have a couple of prospects for ways to earn money part time.  We seem to have found a solution to the health care issue.  I am excited to spend this year focusing on my relationship with Christ, my family, and serving the Lord.  I am now in a position where I have to Trust and Obey....

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing your post was to me. Even though I have a job, Don has been without one for 4 years. We have finally depleted all extra funds. We are also living the "Trust and Obey" way. When we live that way, it is SO awesome to see God work! Things happen that can only be explained as "God did it!" I will be praying for you as you continue this journey of drawing closer to the Lord!
    Sarah Mitchell
